Post Op Day 2 - Off the Vent!


I cried a lot of tears, today. That dang vent tube finally came out. I wish I could convey the fear that thing instilled in me—more than the surgery. I’ve known too many kiddos who have struggled with getting off the ventilator. One who was lost because she couldn’t. Every day longer on the vent comes with a price. While I suppose Lydie wasn’t on it for an extremely long time, the terror in my heart and the delays along the way made it feel like forever. And to watch the monitors knowing that my child was not breathing—she was dependent upon a machine to breathe FOR her; to force life into her...

I asked God for some miracles, today. When her sedation wore off enough for some sleepy smiles to sneak through, that was a gift. When it wore off a little more (gotta be awake to want to breathe, apparently) and those big blue eyes that I haven’t seen for days locked on me, it was a bigger gift. “Hi, Baby!! Mama’s here for you!” And when that dang scary but life-sustaining tube came out and her low-muscle-tone, swollen airway held and filled with THE MOST BEAUTIFUL hoarse little cry I have EVER heard... that was a miracle. I am still crying. Once again, every day, a thousand times a day, God is good. 🙏🏻 #misslydiefaith #openheartsurgery #heartwarrior #theluckyfew

Post Op - Next Day

Little Lydie is doing well, today! She is making small but important strides. We started feeding her (yellow nose tube) today and I am sure that feels good! You’ll notice she still has the ventilator tube in her mouth. That was going to come out today, but girl took things into her own hands and extubated herself at 4 AM last night. Ouch, but can’t say I blame her—no one likes a tube in their throat. The nurses were right there to put a new one in and she’s fine, but did cause some swelling to her poor little throat so they are giving her an extra 24 hr for that to calm down. Also she is well swaddled, now 😉 They’ve been weening down the vent today in hopes of extubating early tomorrow, so both those tubes could be gone 👏🏻👏🏻 Her heart looks good and some of the things we thought would be huge problems she has just cruised through! 💪🏻🙏🏻 Her heart rhythm is still a little off, so we are hoping that issue resolves in the next couple days 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 All in all she is doing well. It’s hard to see her like this, but we stroke her and talk to her and keep in mind that this is all baby steps to a better life! Huzzah for modern medicine!!!



Tiny girl, many machines  

Tiny girl, many machines  

The hospital IT system went down the day of Lydie’s surgery so Dan spent the whole next day putting out fires and responding to requests for his dept. Because he had nothing else to stress about, already 🙄❤️

The hospital IT system went down the day of Lydie’s surgery so Dan spent the whole next day putting out fires and responding to requests for his dept. Because he had nothing else to stress about, already 🙄❤️

Heart Failure Part 2

Ok, I was able to get Lydie into the cardiologist, last week. He talked me down from Defcon 5. :) She is actually in heart failure "But that's just what we call it...." (Relax, Mom?? Right.) Her heart is just working really hard and it is affecting her body, as I said before. But, it's also not uncommon, and it doesn't mean she's going to die or anything. He gave us some medicine to get rid of some of the weird symptoms that were alarming me and the pediatrician. Hopefully they will help her body AND she'll start to eat better. We also quadrupled the amount of formula we're adding to her breastmilk. So basically she gets a chocolate shake calorie haul every meal. We have 2 lbs to gain optimally for surgery, but if she doesn't respond to the medications we may look at moving the surgery up, anyway. The feeding tube thing is always an option if she stops eating enough, but he didn't think they would admit us to the hospital for that clear until surgery--she'd just be on one at home. In any case we're trying to avoid it. They tell me that eating is like running for her, and she just does it 7-8 times a day for 60-90 min... no big deal! Poor thing. She's tough! She really really REALLY can't get sick, so nobody visit us ever, and someone adopt the two boys, k? Haha. Actually I just bought some facial masks and am about ready to say nobody but Mom and Dad can come in Lydie's room. An illness would be 1) super scary and 2) put the surgery back TWO MONTHS. So we're doing all we can to avoid that. We have not scheduled the surgery yet---they usually schedule them 6 weeks out, though, so he told me it could be "soon." I have my next appointment with the pediatrician in 2 weeks and the cardiologist in 3, if all goes well. 

In positive news, I asked, again, what things will look like for her after the surgery, and it's super optimistic. She shouldn't be any more susceptible to illness than a regular kid with DS, which is a huge blessing because some of these heart babies are very very vulnerable all their lives. And the problems that she has are fixable. They keep telling me that, and after reading about what some other families have to live with--I will TAKE IT. Man, life can be really hard. So, anyway, onward we go! Thinking chubby, healthy thoughts!

It's crazy, but it won't last forever. We're going to get this girl through this and she's going to change the world. She already makes ours so much brighter. Like, seriously. She's the best, cutest, happiest baby. 
