Thank you to all who have been praying for Lydia. She needs our prayers and Heaven’s blessings now more than ever. At our appointment with the pediatrician on Friday, we learned that she has gained weight (!!!) but that she is also in heart failure. This is not unexpected due to her heart condition, but is hard news. Essentially, her heart is working too hard, cannot continue to do so, and her body is being affected. She is experiencing difficulty eating, increased difficulty breathing, and some other symptoms. We see a cardiologist next week.
As miserable as those symptoms sound, she continues to try to eat, shows awareness, moves her body, and gives us giant grins when she sees us. The light and joy in her special spirit will not be suppressed. HOW WE LOVE THIS GIRL!!
Given the stress on her heart, I would assume her surgery will be sooner than later, but that will be up to the cardiologist. Some children endure heart failure for weeks before surgery—it all depends. We will keep you posted. Thank you eternally for your prayers. We could not keep going without divine aid or the earthly angels Heaven sends us. I marvel that in the midst of so much heaviness and sorrow we can feel so much light and love. I truly don’t think it has anything to do with us, but is more a sacred opportunity to witness and experience Heaven’s love and power.
We love you. We love Lydie. We are so grateful for God’s love and presence in our lives. We are blessed.