
Oh look, it’s our Christmas card 😆
I’ve heard it’s good to post your own face on here once in awhile in order to prevent hacks… seems like a good idea. This is us. I’m the blonde in the middle. Recently turned 38. I’ve been reading very slowly & methodically JoAnna Gaines’s book “The Stories We Tell” this year, and it has hit something deep in me; hard. When Lydia was born I remember feeling like my world was so rocked—my concept of my own identity/future was so rocked—that I wanted to go journal diving and picture diving and see if I could find somewhere within my own history hints of scraps of character that I could piece together into this new person I felt like I needed to be. In a chaotic, post pandemic world, approaching my forties (with a 20 yr hs reunion this summer to remind me of that lovely fact 🥴), I find myself… I don’t know. Reviewing. Categorizing. Life-lessoning. Getting to the roots of things. Calling things what they were. It has been… a lot. To look at my own life with adult eyes. At times freaking overwhelming. At times enraging. At times empowering and filling me with gratitude & faith.
I for sure wasn’t ready for that emotional journey, but I think that’s what midlife crises are made of, no? 🤣
If I’m only halfway through this ride of life, good thing I’m surrounded by the best of the best, with plenty more time to make mistakes and figure things out.
And girl’s got a fighter’s heart, I’ll give her that. 💛