The Hair

“Rapunzel & the Super Scary Sensory Monster”
That would be our children’s book. Maybe I’ll write it one day ::sigh:: This girl who LOVES to have her hair down and cries when I braid it or pull it back, but who HATES to have it combed or dried.
Our latest post-bath time routine involves terrified full-body bear hugs (legs and all) while I blow-dry her hair and constantly reassure her, “Mama’s got you.” These sessions simultaneously break and melt my heart (almost literally as it’s really hot with all that hair, hot air, hugging & wrestling going on 😅). But they mean a lot to me and reaffirm in a new and different way the sacred space I hold. I am her safe space. …Oh that’s a heavy place to hold. But we keep holding it. We keep hanging on to each other, sometimes like we’re hanging on for our lives, sometimes just breathing each other in. I’ll do my best to keep you safe, you’ll do your best to keep me grounded and laughing. This is the sometimes dance, sometimes full-body terrified bear hug. “I’ve got you, I’ve got you;” on and on we go.