Paradigm Shift

She changed everything. Right down to my soul. Blew the ceiling off my understanding; broke the unrecognized walls of my prejudices down. She teaches me when to stand up and when to shut up. How to love. Pure as pure as pure.✨ She brings me closer to God. She’s helping me become more of the person I should be. I took her on my lap today and told her thank you. (Wiggly thing has no idea, but I felt it.) Who knows the sacrifices she has made and will yet make to fill this role as my greatest teacher—it humbles me to my core. Heaven knows I’m an awkward student... Yet I believe she’s here willingly; that she knows more about light & love & goodness & Christ than I can imagine, and just came to show our family the way. My greatest gift. Gosh I hope I can live up to you. 💛 #misslydiefaith