It’s CHD Week! The week we honor our heart warrior, Lydia, and all she’s been through! 💪🏻💛 One thing I’ve learned from this pandemic is that we all could learn more & gain compassion about what a high-risk life looks like. I’m sharing little snippets in my stories about her birth, diagnosis of 4 heart defects, two open heart surgeries, her pacemaker, and what maintenance looks like for us now. Just sharing in bite-size pieces throughout the month. I’m also saving everything to my “💛 Warrior” highlight for future reference. As a pre-surgery heart mom I combed the internet for others’ stories in order to know what to expect, so we know how it is & we’re an open book, here! You can also search past heart-related IG posts including everything I wrote in real time during her surgeries by referencing the hashtag #lydiesheart 💛😘