Advocacy and Therapy and Faith

Our life might not look like yours in all the ways, but it’s a good life, and she matters.
*** Had an IEP this week. If you want a hard experience, navigate an IEP with assessments and evaluations of your child’s struggles. Then make it extra and set it in a pandemic where your child cannot receive the therapies she needs in a safe environment. Watch her fall behind. Guilt yourself in all the ways. Throw your hands up in the air over the carelessness of society and the futility of fighting disease at a global level. It broke me. *** The saving grace of it all… is her. Her light that runs through our home, hangs on my legs, and babbles cheerful dialogue all day long and into the night. It’s the educated & dedicated therapists and teachers willing to bend over backwards and think outside the box so she still gets help, in spite of our broken education/political systems. It’s the friends who message me and say they see our fight & it has changed them & they commit to showing up for the disadvantaged & disabled & hurting. It’s in the quiet moments with God after an ugly-cry prayer when He assures “I’m still here for you. Let me move the mountains.” *** It’s hard right now. It’s so hard. But there is no doubt in my mind that this is a worthy fight & I will keep showing up. 💛