Happy Heartiversary!

Today is Lydie’s “New-birth day!” Two years ago today she had her second heart surgery & her pacemaker implanted. This was the day we got to say “repaired” and start moving forward. 🙏🏻
I think about Lydia on a heart & lung bypass machine, then hooked to a machine that breathed for her, and feel every day the lump in her abdomen that marks the miraculous device enabling her heart to beat regularly.
And then I see her, this baby who was once too weak to even cry or eat, learning to walk & communicate and lighting our family up with joy every single day.
When I consider these things I thank God for His hand in all the miracles that allow us to keep her one more day. A thousand days. A lifetime of beautiful, wonderful days.
Not all heart families get to this point, and today we honor them, too, as well as the Savior who brings us all our own new hearts and new-birth days in His own time. #lydiesheart #misslydiefaith