We live nearish some schools and if you listen for them you can hear the bells throughout the day. My oldest burst into the house the other day exclaiming, “It’s the first day of school! I heard the bell!” Then later, “It’s the first recess!” My heart completely caved in. I thought of what they are missing, the effect of quarantine on their hearts & lives, and questioned all my decisions. It is so hard. But I was reading my scriptures last night and read a passage that said essentially “Cheer up your hearts! You have freedom to choose!” and that hit me. Choose to be happy. Choose to make this unique time full of positive growth. Whatever your back to school decision was, it’s not the final one—we choose every day how each day will go. So here’s to choosing to make 2020 bloom—or at least choosing to allow ourselves to bloom in it. 💛🙏🏻
#am_covidchronicles (Whenever I use this tag now it links my posts to the CDC. Whatever.)