Sibling Bonds

The temperature drops quickly in the desert when the sun goes down. Hiking down from Delicate Arch, we found ourselves shivering and breaking out our coats. Lydia, in particular, does not like to be cold. Her body doesn’t regulate temperature very well as a result of various medical conditions. Rarely does anything make her as uncomfortable or upset as being cold. We try to prepare for this as much as possible by bringing extra layers for her and staying ahead of it, but on our hike back to the car she began to fuss uncomfortably. My second son sensing her pain and anxious to help, began holding her hand, patting her back, and encouraging her along our way. These two, five years apart in age and interests, nevertheless share a beautiful and close emotional connection. Last night, after a busy day full of school and a soccer game, it was time for the kids to go to bed. This son, however, came back upstairs for a moment. “I just need some Lydie time,” he said. No other explanation was necessary. We all seek her out every once in a while just to sit in the unique bubble of peace that seems to surround her.