Miss Lydie Faith 💛 Somehow you are six!! And yet, my beautiful diamond in the rough; my magical, multifaceted prism child that reflects light through each and every unexpected angle—you are not only six, but every age leading up to six, and perhaps some beyond, as well.✨
Thank you for spreading your abundant joy throughout our lives during your beautiful fifth year. Thank you for not growing up quite yet, no matter what the numbers say. Thank you for still requesting snuggles, for finally reconciling yourself to letting me comb (if not cut or blow dry) your hair. Thank you for joining my obsession with Taylor Swift and for never ever growing tired of her (like EVER). Thank you for working so hard on your words and for loving school because I’ve never missed a child like I miss you. Thanks for making me work out with you at dance—maybe some coordination will finally rub off. Thank you for appreciating sparkly things and for not appreciating noise—I have been carrying the banner alone in this business for too long. Thank you for your laugh which brightens each and every day and heals every heart that hears it, especially mine. We love you to the moon. 💛 #misslydiefaith