
My Lydie girl in her element. 🥰 Of all of the places she could be, nature is Lydia’s favorite. “Car” & “outside” were some of her first words—in fact, being outside is where she is the most motivated to learn & try new vocabulary! Here she overcomes her sensory fears and tries new things. Here she finds her peace and zen.

Lydie has no idea that her body has any limitations that may hold her back from enjoying the great outdoors. She doesn’t understand loose ankles & joints or a heart sensitive to changes in elevation. She has no idea that her temperature regulation is different than ours. She just knows that she loves it HERE. THIS is where she wants to be! So we help her make it happen.

In 2020 we used our forced time away from society to take a lot of hikes as a family. This eventually led us to our first family vacation with Lydia in tow: we went to Arches National Park. Since then we have been to 5 National Parks as a family. Family vacations are never easy, and adding a child with a disability to the mix requires extra planning and accommodations. I plan on sharing how we tackle things like mobility, nutrition & medical needs, & overstimulation. The examples I’ll share just apply to one family (ours), but may give you some ideas, or at least a peek into what our lives are like.

We feel like, since 2020, we’ve found our own unique way of doing things & a new family identity that we love. While the routine will no doubt see many necessary changes as things evolve over the years, it’s all 100% worth it for this time together and these grins.

#misslydiefaith #theluckyfew