Journey of 1000 Bites 🥄 : Away back in April I asked for advice concerning some eczema on Lydia's cheeks. I received some excellent advice on lotions, etc., which we have diligently followed. The situation has improved, but never quite resolved one particular persistent patch, and I have never quite shaken a concern nibbling at the back of my conscience that perhaps what she is dealing with is not eczema at all, but some kind of allergy manifesting as a skin irritation? I had no idea, but decided to do a home allergy test (one of those send in a blood sample by mail types) and see what results came back. Depending on the results of that, we would follow up with an allergist if needed. Well my friends, we took that little home test about a month ago, and the results shocked me. The company tested for sensitivities to 96 foods, and Lydia tested positive (to varying degrees) for 34. THIRTY FOUR. Rocked my world. I am lost somewhere between "Is this a complete scam and these results are bogus?" and "This makes absolute sense." Many of the results--especially severe sensitivities to some foods with dairy & gluten--fit the profile of an individual with T21 & hypothyroidism. It could explain her minimal weight gain, and perhaps some of the other health issues she faces (including the feeding difficulties we have faced for years??!!). Nevertheless, the extensive list and the lifestyle changes it requires feel like ONE MORE THING to make this journey ever more adventurous/overwhelming 🏔. I'd anticipated embracing the gluten-free lifestyle at some point with this girl, but had not seen it coming quite so soon. So here we are, ordering ever so many cookbooks, adjusting our nutritious smoothies, making an appointment with an allergist (and psyching ourselves up for more labs 😫), and preparing to flex our creative muscles for new adventures in baking! I try to remind myself often that I am a CREATIVE, and that doesn't just apply to making art 🎨. Life is an adventure and God has given me ever so many opportunities to use my creative powers to find exciting solutions and problem solve in fantastically innovative ways! How exciting! Right?! 🥴🤞🏻