One year. She’s been walking for one year. I was surprised when a Facebook memory popped up and all the emotions hit me. I’ve been marking her progress these last few months—when we got back outside in the spring after the snow melted I immediately marveled at how much farther she could walk around the neighborhood; how much steadier her ankles were on uneven grass. Our jaunts out in nature ended in laughter instead of frustrated tears. She ran around public playgrounds anxious to participate instead of plopping down in the wood chips, content to watch. Baby girl, how far you’ve come!! Including a few of my favorite shots here from the journey, though I can’t include them all. The walker, the miles riding on Daddy’s shoulders, the bum scoot that got you where you needed to go 🥹 the propping you against walls until you could stand on your own, the ecstatic clapping when you did, the ankle braces, the teetering steps, watching you follow your sweet peers in adaptive PE & their exclamations of joy to see you… My heart explodes at it all. It is a joy to watch you grow, Lydie Girl, and to get to grow with you. Watch my stories to see how she’s learning to run. Don’t be deceived, in church last week she worked a hairpin turn & lost me in a crowd, giggling all the way, which earned a “She’s got moves!” from a laughing, seasoned mom. The fun has just begun. 😳😂💛 #misslydiefaith #theluckyfew