We got L’s regular labs back last week. The results were mixed. Her thyroid looks great but she’s not growing and she has no immune system. We don’t really know why on either of these issues. Trying to boost her calories by adding more healthy fats & proteins. Her diet is literally the healthiest of any non-fiction human I know. That & I’m already supplementing a million vitamins to help her immune system so I’m not sure what else to do there. She does have sleep apnea so I figure that’s my next battleground—getting the four year old to wear a cpap. 😬 Send prayers. Today someone asked me what I was going to do for school for her next year and I honestly don’t know. The plan is to send her—I want to send her—but last fall taught us that if she catches every cold she’s exposed to she spends all her time being sick & recovering instead of learning & that’s not helpful. We’re currently striking a balance between exposing her to as many germs as her system can reasonably handle while getting her as much therapy as we can. Will she grow out of this? Is this the heart warrior kid life? Is this just her system? I don’t know. Some days it all feels like one big question mark… with a side of vitamins. 🥗💛❓