Yesterday we went to a little fall festival at the boys’ school. Lyds was in her stroller per usual, but at one point surprised us by asking to get out, so we let her. Rather than being overwhelmed by the loud & chaotic environment, she wanted to join in & participate fully. We were next to a sound system that was blasting Ghostbusters 🎵 & she immediately started dancing, and when Lydie jumps in and DOES, we all follow 😆 so we had a family dance party right there next to the hot dog line, photo-op boards, and crowded bales of hay. 💃🏼🕺 Pre-Lydia, I was a fun mom, but I was not a “drop everything & dance like no one is watching” mom. I wish I could convey to you the sheer ridiculous joy of shaking it down with a grinning four year old backlit by the setting sun, surrounded by pumpkins and people stunned into smiling by the startling magic of an extra chromosome. It was a beautiful scene all around, but mostly her—just her—laughing and stomping away for the sheer wonder of being alive. Who can help but join in with that, whether anyone is watching or not? The scene was still with me as I prayed at the end of the day and as I closed my eyes to sleep. So much has changed since you came sweet girl. We are dancing now, Lydia. Hands in the air, hearts to the sky, we are fully dancing, now. 💛 #misslydiefaith #theluckyfew