I wish I had gotten a little more of Dan in this shot, but I still love this image & their connection. She does this a lot—places her hands on our vocal chords and carefully studies our mouths when we speak, then imitates us. She understands so much and has so much to say—she babbles to me all day long. True conversations with inflection and emotion and expression. I love, love, love it. She knows songs and is learning patterns such as counting and the abc’s. She talks to her dolls, to herself in the mirror, to her family. She really talks to herself in the camera 😆Holding her back is the low muscle tone that makes those complex oral movements so difficult to master. Yet every day she works on it, and every day she improves. Someday all of her words will be intelligible and she’ll talk my ears off 😂 And I will love every second of it. #misslydiefaith