
She is ready to DO this! We have been practicing walking with increasingly fewer supports. She does great with a one finger assist or a pushing toy (stroller or grocery cart) . Yesterday during physical therapy we went out in the hall and practiced with just a scarf around her waist. I kept it slack until she started to lose her balance, then used it to help her stand back up. She knew that SHE was doing it, and she loved it. She tries to walk as fast as she can and her momentum tips her over. Down she goes and we get up and try again. It’s absolutely exhausting to watch and even my little scarf role can be tiring. We knew she was getting tired after we walked all over the school halls, so we headed back to her classroom for snack time. Once we opened the door and went inside she burst into tears because she was NOT DONE! 😅 So we left and walked some more.

I wish I were as excited and self congratulatory every time I worked to overcome something hard. Fall down, get up, fall down, get up, day after day after day. Progress is slow as it often is with life-changing things, but she doesn’t give up and she doesn’t expect the change to be instantaneous. She just keeps showing up and before I know it, this girl is going to be running everywhere expecting me to keep up.