
I wrestle a lot with sharing images of my kids on the internet, yet I keep choosing to do it. There are many reasons why, but Lydie is a huge part of it. She brings purity and joy that the world needs. I often get messages that an image or video of her has lifted someone, and I am grateful for the opportunity we have to do that. In addition, I want other special needs families who receive an unexpected diagnosis like we did to find a real world source they can look to & find hope and compassion in. But I don’t post these images just to help other people feel good—I also post them FOR Lydia. I hope that through these insights into our life that individuals with special needs become REAL to you. That I can pass on the gift of seeing differently that Lydia has given me and that has changed me for the better. I hope you don’t just come and smile, but that you leave and love. That’s the whole goal. 💛