Leaf pile jumping, but stress Mom out about it 😅
I realized that I never shared a real before/after of our playset reno. We found this cedar wood gem in the local classifieds for FREE… we just had to come pick it up! It was in rough shape (more pics in stories & highlights), but we saw the potential. Dan rebuilt the entire base using the original pieces as blueprints, but making some improvements. We added shingles on the roof, nixed a slide and moved pieces around to fit our yard & desired look for the front. We replaced the old plastic swings with hammock swings that are my favorite place to read in good weather, but have temporarily been stored for winter. And of course, a lot of paint. The boys play on this thing EVERY DAY and while the end project cost was NOT free by the time we were done 😅, it is exactly what we want and 1000x worth the effort. Dan who did all the hard labor even agrees! Haha. Happy the kids can enjoy it for years to come.