Motherhood is More

Today I was reading through some comments on a special needs Facebook group and one really jumped out at me. It said, essentially, “This is hard because you love your child so much.” And I felt that. This girl. She brings more joy and light and love into our world than you can possibly imagine. I could not do without her! And yet some days, some hours or moments in the day, I find myself gutting it out through the hard stuff wondering how will I ever do this. This is motherhood, I suppose. And it highlights to me that grace is born of love—not just mine, but God’s. Love to keep us going & grace to cover the inadequacies and to fill in the hard, tear/anger/heartbreak-filled parts with enough wonder, light, wisdom, and strength to compensate. I don’t know how to express this adequately, but I think every mother knows. It is not easy or simplified optimistic/motivational phrases or all happy moments. But it is still ultimately MORE; more lessons, more stretching, more joy, more loving, more seeing, more digging deep, more relying on Heaven... just, more. I am not more, but Grace is enough.
To all moms but ESPECIALLY special needs moms, thank you for being here on this path with me and sharing your tears and your joys. They both keep me going. 💛