Go Gold

Honoring child cancer warriors this month. 💛 We have many young friends (with DS and without) who have suffered through the unbelievable battle of childhood cancer. Children with DS are more likely to suffer from leukemia in particular, and Lydia is screened for it every year. It is never far from our minds, and our incredible friends & their families who have walked this road are always in our hearts & prayers.
🎗September is pediatric cancer awareness month.🎗Today, 43 children will be diagnosed with cancer and sadly 7 children will die from this disease.

💛The causes of childhood cancer and unknown and can not be prevented.

💛Due to a lack of research, some pediatric cancers have a zero percent survival rate, either at diagnosis or recurrence.

💛All 16 different childhood cancers receive 4% of the national cancer institute’s nearly $5 billion dollar budget while other cancers receive much more.
When a child is diagnosed with cancer, the whole family is affected and we want them to know they are not alone in this journey.

To show our love and support for the many families affected by childhood cancer we are turning Instagram GOLD this September with the support of many hubs, The Gold Hope Project, and the #teamup4goldkidsloop.
For those of you that don’t know, @TheGoldHopeProject is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization of photographers who aim to provide free portrait sessions to families battling pediatric cancer while funding innovative pediatric cancer research.⁠⠀
Join us by tagging your images #teamup4goldkids or to learn more please visit @thegoldhopeproject.