I learned during our first week with this girl—the one when we received two shocking, back-to-back life-changing diagnoses—that I could either throw myself into sickness & despair worrying about the future, or we could take each day, sometimes each hour, as it came and focus on that. Funnily enough, this same “live in the moment” philosophy also applies to living in the past. I try not to think about the details of Lydie’s first six months very often—particularly the scary hospital ones. But every once in many months or even a year something will remind me. I look at the pictures and read my own words from those days in disbelief. Then I remember all the things that were never said or photographed. And I marvel. At all there was and how in the world we got through it and was that really me?? Oh... yes. I have the achy scars to prove it.
But aside from those poignant moments when I pause to acknowledge the journey and all God has seen us through, I try not to think about the past. We bury it in the sweet moments of today—the progress that we’ve made and are making, and the many, many, many, MANY sacred joys this girl brings into our lives.
This is the week we remember, feel, and appreciate it all. #lydiesheart