Out of an abundance of covid caution, he missed his school Christmas party, today. We were both heartbroken about it. It’s hard for me sometimes to not grow cynical... But if there is one thing that lights a fire in my heart it’s seeing my devastated kid—especially when he’s trying so hard to be brave & understanding 😭 I am not a Pinterest mom (in fact, I am almost an anti-Pinterest mom) but this morning we decorated the heck out of our house in anticipation of our at-home Christmas party. He watched White Christmas. When brother gets home we are doing a tree-making craft—and guys, I don’t do kid crafts. (Especially when copious amounts of glue are involved.) But dang if this won’t be the most cheerful, on the fly home Christmas party of the year 🎉 We are tired and our mood is less than stellar; but maybe that’s what they mean when they say “The weary world rejoices.” Maybe grace for the weary in 2020 looks like a pile of extra decorations you forgot you had, a craft that you bought & failed to do last year, a mom in her pajamas tying a million gold bows, and a sick kid & his family finding themselves smiling because the light creeps in and finds them, after all. 🙏🏻