About 50% of children born with Down Syndrome also have congenital heart defects. While any heart problem is traumatic, the good news is that only about 1 in 5 of those children have CHDs that are considered “severe.” My Lydie Faith is a heart warrior. She was born with 4 congenital heart defects, three of which were repaired in open heart surgery when she was five months old. A week after her first surgery, Lydia underwent a second surgery in which she had a permanent pacemaker placed after a rare complication with the repair surgery. Through the miracle of medicine my sweet girl has graduated from a tiny baby who didn’t have strength to eat or cry to an energetic, mischievous two year old 😄 If asked to weigh the two diagnoses, I would say that, to this point, the heart defects outweigh the stress of the Down Syndrome diagnosis 10 to 1. In spite of that, her prognosis for a long & healthy life is very good. 🙏🏻 Lydie has strength, courage, meekness, and faith like I have never witnessed firsthand, before. She’s our living miracle. #misslydiefaith #lydiesheart