Events of the day:
- Everybody who could apologized to me for yesterday. Which I very very much appreciated. Together we set more realistic goals and today was MILES better!
- We got that wretched central line out of her neck! Yay! Which means she is a lot more comfortable I think. Because her heart is being paced by an external pacemaker we HAVE to have IV access in case anything happens, so the IV team came today and brought the best of their best and got an IV in her arm. It came out two hrs later 😭 but they were able to place a deeper/more dependable (we hope) one that will hopefully last as long as we need it!
- We snuggled. This girl needs love like she needs air to breathe. Her eyes the first time I held her (see two posts ago) just PIERCED me. I am convinced that being loved by Mom is literally a critical part of her care. So we’re prioritizing that. Lucky me! 💗
- She ate really really well today! Gradually stepping up the amounts. And it doesn’t take an hr and a half!!!!
- She started vocalizing more!! My Lydie girl is super social and communicative and I am so glad she is starting to want to talk. When I start seeing those giant smiles again every five seconds then I’ll know she’s really back. 😊
- The boys came!!! Oh I miss those little men! And they miss me. It felt so so SO good to be together today. We had lunch and played foosball and ate treats and they played for hours in the kid zone. It was a much needed, good, family day. When we said goodbye, they kissed me all over my face (including behind my ears 😂), and blew kisses and called goodbyes until after they went around the corner and I was still waving at them from behind locked ICU doors. ❤️ This is killer, but the glue that holds us all together physically and emotionally is love. And prayer. 💗 And we’re making it. Almost there. 💪🏻 Thank you for all the love and prayers and comments & messages! I don’t always have time to respond right now, but they lift me more than you know. 💕