32 weeks, 5 days. I’ve never taken a picture like this, before. But I’ve never felt compelled to take a picture like this, before. This pregnancy has moved me in deep ways. This is my third. My first baby girl. Our rainbow baby after a hard miscarriage and long recovery. That alone makes it all significant, but there’s more. I’m a preeclampsia mama. Both of my boys’ deliveries were induced due to complications, putting all subsequent pregnancies at high risk. Of late, this pregnancy seems to be following the same course. I take my blood pressure daily, I pee on sticks at the dr’s office and at home. I worry, a lot. And I pray. For her, for me, for the rest of our family. That we can please do this and it will all turn out all right. I’m not as naive as I used to be. I find myself leaning on God more and more every day. And when I see that belly and feel Baby Girl moving inside, I am so grateful for grace and strength and growth and one more day.