I took a lot of official-looking graduation pictures for this guy, but before I share any of those, I want to share this one. Because this is my guy. Tomorrow there will be pomp and circumstance and fancy pictures, but what I'll be celebrating is eight years of dreams come true. Eight years ago, we had no degrees and lots of lofty goals. We knew it would be hard, but didn't know what that meant. Two kids, eight moves, four states. Grueling academic programs, extra certifications, interviews and resumes and more interviews. Late nights, early mornings. Lousy living arrangements and years away from any family. Working two jobs and going to school full time. Hard WORK. And prayer--so much prayer. Prayer with tears and miracles and grace and more good friends and amazing experiences and growth than we could have imagined. There has been so much change but this guy and God have been my constants through it all. Tomorrow I will probably bawl my eyes out because I am so dang proud of this man. And so very grateful for the ride.