One of the best and most humbling parts of parenting is recognizing and learning from your children’s gifts. In spite of a rough beginning in life, this little boy was born with sunshine in his soul. He is an eternal optimist. Daily he reminds me to look on the bright side, often by sharing with me one of his many “isms.” Here are a couple of my favorites: “So that’s great!” As in, “We’re having eggs for breakfast (or some other desperately normal occurrence), so that’s great!” Or “I’m wearing my blue shirt today! So that’s great!” Another one is, “But that’s ok.” As in, “My art project broke, but that’s ok! We can fix it!” Or one that always cracks me up, “I️ hurt my *insert body part*, but that’s ok! No blood!” How I️ love this boy and how God must have known I️ would need his perpetual grins, teases, and happiness to keep this mama going. ❤️