On Mountains

Once, a few years ago, I had a two and three year old and we were about to move across the country for grad school. We had one month to go and were neck deep in preparations. With this incredible timing, I got the sickest I have ever been. I literally could not hold my own head up for more than 15 min. A trip to the doctor revealed the cause: pneumonia. What?! How could this be?! It was JULY! Why now?! How would I take care of myself, the kids, and prepare to move?! The doctor prescribed some strong antibiotics which I began to take immediately only to find out I was severely allergic to them when I broke out in full body hives. Like, even on the bottoms of my feet 😳 I remember lying in bed, itching and coughing and miserable and just having to laugh-cry because HOW could it be this miserable?!!!!!!!
Whenever I hit a low point—a perfect storm of hard things—I remember that moment. It always makes me laugh (cry) because life is just so dang crazy and hard sometimes, for no apparent reason.
But it is also good to remember the days my husband was able to take off work; my mom who drove 8 hr to help (twice!); the neighbors who watched my kids; and the miracles God worked out for us. I healed eventually. Other people packed for me because my lungs took months to heal. The kids were fed and loved and stayed healthy, and we made it to the other side of the country and that hard thing.
This has been a year of hard things. More than I’ve shared. And it’s not stopping. But neither are the miracles, so here is to prayer and grace and service and survival and eventually reaching the other side of the mountain. ❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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