Have you ever read Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli? I love, love, love that book. It’s written beautifully and tells the story of a girl who is markedly unique. She is in high school and runs into the question that we all eventually ask ourselves: is it better to be true to ourselves or become what everyone else expects or wants us to be? Dan and I read this book together shortly after we were married because I love it and had to share it with him. I believe its message is important and powerful. But I recently, about two weeks ago, read it again. I came to it this time with slightly different experience under my belt, and often read it as my very own Stargirl slept in my lap. It was even more lovely and poignant than before. To see our individual differences as beautiful assets and to appreciate the unique contribution each person is here to make. To see and love and marvel at the individual soul. I know it sounds a little like a sweeping, cheesy concept... but is it? Or are we really spirits “trailing clouds of glory” (Wordsworth’s beautiful phrase) with a divine past, present, future, and worth? Children of God. (It’s not a religious book; that’s just my take on it.) Do I see and focus on the differences, or recognize the beauty and knowledge to be gained from every unique soul? And how important/relevant is the latter in our world right now?!! I’m so grateful for this girl who has brought so much beauty into our lives, along with a much greater perspective.