Nature Heart

That look of peace/happiness on his face is everything to me. 💛

Independent Hiker

Shout-out to Dan, who alternated between carrying Lydie on his back for miles & miles and patiently holding her hand when she insisted on getting in on the hiking, herself. 💪🏻 I get tired just thinking about packing a four year old (even a pint-sized one) all over the mountains! We kind of want to make him Kronk & her Yzma in her hiking pack for Halloween. “Kronk, pull over, I’m tired.” 🤣

#am_nationalparks #mangosdobryce

This girl is outdoorsy

Lydie did so well on our trip! The first day was a little rough… sometimes I wonder if it takes her body a minute to adjust to different elevations? But after that it was all smiles & curiosity! In fact, the first time we got in the car after we got home she asked hopefully, “Step step?” In other words, “More hiking?!” I wish we could do this every day, too, Baby Girl. 💛🏔

#am_nationalparks #mangosdobryce


Yes, I know. This is not how he got hurt, amazingly. It was the unsupervised & substantially more aggressive activity that followed 30 min later. We all learned some things. Forever balancing “let them play” & “no way, Sir.” Tell me you moms understand?

Acrobatics are not for rocks

Me: Why do my kids always get hurt?
My kids:

This isn’t what he was doing when he earned a trip to the instacare yesterday, but those are the steps that took him out ☹️ We try. I swear we try.

Our Own Wild Places

Ours is the destiny to live in suburbia but always find/pretend it’s the wild. 🏕💛

Making Magic

Impromptu Harry Potter session ✨
Dirt + stick + light = MAGIC 🧙🏻

Must Climb

More boyhood adventures. I told him not to rip his pants & he assured me that the chain link is rubber (it’s actually coated, I think). So thanks to the mom who thought of that one 😜

Spring Treasures

Last light & final finds. 🪶 Return of the outdoor adventures this week. Today we stayed outside all day. Spring bringing the recharge.


From my home growing up I could look across the street into my neighbors’ backyard. Their boys were always waging battles with light sabers, etc. and I thought it was the weirdest thing in the world, but fast fwd 25 years and I get it. The boy mom with a yard full of sticks gets it. 🤺


There are a lot of (heavy) things rolling around in my brain these days. I wrote a poem about it but I was driving at the time so it went the way of many of my artistic musings these days… to the wind… to the wind. Still, I created that art and those unwritten & unspoken thoughts are bouncing around the universe—and my heart—somewhere.

Happy World Down Syndrome Day!

Happy World Down Syndrome Day!!! 💛💙 Today we ✨celebrate✨ everyone blessed with an extra 21st chromosome, and all the light & joy they bring to this world. To my Lydie girl, thank you for being my greatest joy & teacher. Love you to the moon!

When life repeats

Flash-way-back 😄 This week v. 7 years ago. They were so little 🥺 I was just starting to learn photography back then & would practice every time we took the boys to a teeny little park by our townhouse in Colorado. Seems like lifetimes ago, but tire swings and brother friends endure 😄


Nothing in the world beats watching your child joyfully discover life. ✨ #misslydiefaith

Peek into your world

We’re coming to the season where I can just watch their imaginative play in the backyard unobtrusively from my kitchen window; my favorite kind of spying.

Busy Boys

They had an early-out school day today and I swear to you those have increased 300 fold since this pandemic started or maybe I’m just still catching up on keeping them entertained for 2 years straight 😵‍💫 TWO YEARS, my friends! Aren’t we glad we didn’t know that going in?!


We do a lot of therapies for this girl: speech, occupational, gross motor, & feeding. The post-therapy activity feels run the gamut for both of us. I don’t have access to Lydie’s thoughts on the subject, just observations on her temperament & naps. As for my own emotional responses, they go something like this: “Hey, that went pretty well!” or on other days, “Just another day in the books.” Some days there’s compassion mixed with pride, “You worked so hard.” There’s the rare, sparkling unicorn days of, “I didn’t even know you knew that! You killed it!!!” celebrations; but, far more often, it’s, “This is hard. This is really, really hard.” Yesterday was one of the latter for me, reflecting more of my mental state than anything she did or did not do in therapy. All the same, the “did or did not” checklist often weighs heavily on my mind and heart. I worry about her place in society, in public school in the next couple years, in life with her peers. I count abilities and struggles and the space we have yet to make up in oh so many tasks and milestones. There is so much we both struggle to do. I was having this discouraged and worry-fraught conversation with myself in my head on our way home from therapy, yesterday, completely overwhelmed. It was a dreary snowy day so I’m sure that didn’t help. I pulled into our garage, got out of the car, & walked to Lydia’s passenger side to get her out. As I opened her door and looked at her in her car seat, her face erupted into smiles and she just BEAMED light at me as she started happily jabbering away like she does. That moment a thought hit me as hard as her brilliant joy: “But Annie, she is SO GOOD at LOVING.”
Time stopped.
I thought of Ukraine and the deepest problems of our world and I realized that, while she has many challenges, my girl has the most important things right. She is an expert on love. She is a teacher of the weightier matters; something the whole world needs.


And run, like you'd run from the law
Darling, let's run
Run from it all
We can go where our eyes can take us
Go where no one else is, run

So you laugh like a child
And I'll sing like no one cares
No one to be, no one to tell


-Taylor Swift

Winter Rebound

Throwing it back to January since the forecast says snow. Spring is just around the corner… probably 🥶